Friday, December 11, 2009

My husband gets cyst-like HUGE zits on his inner thighs What is causing these? How to prevent them?

He popped one the other day and it was so large and full of pus that it actually made a snapping noise and hardly any blood came out, it was 90% white pus. What could be causing these? They are very painful for him and sometimes they won't pop at all. Lately they've been about the size of a quarter in diameter but very, very raised up and deep. What can he do to prevent these and when he does get one should he always try and pop it (painful %26amp; messy) in case it would become a deep abcess?My husband gets cyst-like HUGE zits on his inner thighs What is causing these? How to prevent them?
sounds like it is likely a staph type of infectious process, I'd bet if he went to his doctor, he could get a month long course of antibiotic to cut down on the staph that is getting under his skin and causing these boils.My husband gets cyst-like HUGE zits on his inner thighs What is causing these? How to prevent them?
He needs to see a doctor to find out if he's gotten a bacterial could be staph (NOT MRSA, there's not-so virulent staph infections).
Depends on what is causing them. Generally, they are caused by too much sugar, wheat and aspartame.

If he increases his water, stops drinking diet soda, cuts down on sugar and cuts down on wheat, they should go away.

However, a trip to a dermatologist might be in order.
Wow, answers from cancer to vitamin deficiency... lets try something more practical... Ingrown hair. Hair will do that in an area where there is friction, ie.. inner thighs.

Pick up some Tend Skin to treat the area and if you see any hair that is not coming through the skin, take some tweezers and remove it for him.
that sounds funky.

boy would i have fun popping those! cool!

i bet your friday nights are fun.
I get nasty zits on my inner thigh. Much of this is caused by sweat and friction of the legs rubbing together when I walk. I reduce this from happening by applying baby powder to my thighs after each shower before I get dressed.
They're infected hairs. there is no way to cure them. The best thing he can do is keep himself very clean. Dial soap is very good for skin treatment. It should be a great help.
they are probably boils he should drink more water he probably has a lot of toxins in his body and its coming out as the zits with large amounts of pus.He should check his sugar regularly to make sure its not high. High sugar levels can make it become an abcess.
If it's NOT an ingrown hair, I'd just have him ask a doctor. A staph infection sounds pretty severe too.

At any rate, I can confidently tell you it's most likely not cancer. Malignant tumors DO NOT pop! They're not fluid filled.

I've had a problem with cysts in the past and was told by my gyno that they're not STD's (because that's what I was worried about) but that it could be sebaceous cysts. These types of cysts can result from pore blockage with a highly active sebaceous gland with produces oil. If they get too big he may have to see a doctor to have them removed.

If it's NOT an ingrown hair, don't mess with it. If you try to pop them, it'll only irritate the area even more causing the infection to get worse. If you DO manage to pop it, you'll still end up with a sac filled with clear fluid that will still be irritating.

Just make sure to keep the area super clean. I believe you can also soak in a tub with salts to clean and possibly dry out the sacs of fluid.
he has cancer

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