Sunday, December 13, 2009


Ugh, I am now getting zits. I have this acne pad medication called MAXIMUM STRIDEX but it still ain't covering them, they won't go away. I am going in to a new school with new people, and old people i know already, I DON'T WANT TO BE ZIT-FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!Zits..............?
The best thing to do is to go see a dermatologist. They can properly analyze your condition, and prescribe you the right medication and dosage. I too suffer from acne, and am taking Tretin-X; it's working pretty well for me ;)Zits..............?
i've heard proactive is good.

but you should go to a dermatologist
Try Serious Skin Care you can find it on the web. Your face is worth looking after. You take care of your skin it will take care of you later in life.
Make sure you drink plenty of water. I had tried everything and went to the dermatologist and I still had problems. He suggested to drink about 70 oz. of water. I did this for two weeks along with washing my face twice a day with nuetrogena daily acne wash and my skin was so much better. He also told me to use a basic moisturizer and I thought he was crazy because my skin is so oily, but it keeps your skin from producing as much oil. Also i think it is Clean %26amp; Clear that has oil absorbing sheets and they work great for middle of the day. Hope this helps.
try seabreeze.

it seriously workks.

id try the purple kind for your caseee.

go to a dermatologist, if not check out for information on how to control your acne there are pleny of messgeboards with useful information
Use tooth paste it helps. Take toothpaste and rub it all over your face or were you have acne. Then take a little bit of water and splash it on your face to moisturize it. Then let sit till you get a burning feeling then rinse off! :D
i havnt tried it yet but i read in a magazine that if u put toothpaste over ur zits at night before u go to sleep by morning theyll be dried out
First if you can go to a dermatologist they can give you antibiotics that inhibit bacteria which cause acne! Also get antibiotic cream! Go easy on your skin don't use harsh maximum products! Wipe face with hand sanitizer after sweating!
For the rest of your summer, drink lots and lots of water and watch what you eat. As in fast food and junk food. Fast food has a lot of iodine in it which causes breakouts. Don't use the same puff for powder if your using powder use a blush brush for it instead and only use it after your face is washed. Don't use it for touch ups. Use oil blotting papers for that. Don't touch them i.e. don't pick them. Clearasil vanishing cream works pretty well, but only put it on your zits, not everywhere all the time. Also, Queen something mint julep mask works very well, use it every other night for a week. And then once or twice a week.

And again, drink lots of water, it's a cure all for many things. Don't drink anything like soda or caffeine, that just sucks out all the good stuff in your body that fights against zits among other things.

Good luck!!!
Proactive works wonders
well you could always try sumin' new like proactive or clean%26amp;clear
try proactiv or neutrogena oil-free acne range which includes facial wash, daily scrub and mosturiser

its faster and very effective.

keep ur face oil-free and keep ur bangs oil-free and dandruff-free and away from ur forehead
Biore and Clean %26amp; Clear work pretty well. Also if you dab a little burn relief gel and leave it on overnight, the lidocaine and menthol will lessen redness and inflamation.

x3 Carrie
Read tips on treating Acne, Skincare and Home Remedies on this site
Try getting the dirt out of your pores...i tried clearpores鈥?/a> and that works pretty good what you eat also

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