Saturday, December 5, 2009

What home remedy will get rid of zits fast, like overnight?

This is a long answer but trust me it works very well

Items you'll need:




Cotton balls

Step 1: Get the cup and fill it with some water

Step 2: pour in tons of salt more than you think it needs

Step 3: stir it up

Step 4: hold the cotton ball in the water for exactly 60 seconds

Step 5: take it out and pu it on the zit hold it on the for exactly 3 minutes

Step 6: take it off and there it is barley noticeable do this 2 more times and the side of the zit and tomorrow it will be gone

I can't take credit for this answer I got it from another person I forgot her name though sorry other person!What home remedy will get rid of zits fast, like overnight?
Probably nothing safe?? Just buy a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide product (not any more or less than 2.5% concentration), and rub it on in pretty generous amounts morning and night. It won't get rid of it overnight, but it does work.

If you buy higher concentrations, you can't use so much because it'll dry your skin out %26amp; make acne worse in long run.

Good luck.What home remedy will get rid of zits fast, like overnight?
Antibacterial soaps, benzoyl peroxide ointments, water, less tress, less greasy %26amp; sugary foods. mint julep masks, washing pillowcases often, keeping oily hair off o face...
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